For Such a Time as This

(This originally was shared in an email April 2020, during the global response to covid.)

We supported Deditos to share God’s Word with indigenous children, never imagining the huge blessing it would be for our own children at a time when they needed God’s Word so much.
— Cruzada Cristiana church, Bogotá, Colombia

Cruzada Cristiana, a church of 5,000 members in Bogotá, Colombia has supported Deditos through the ministry of church member Sandra Misal. Sandra works with Viña's Colombian ministry partner. The lockdown in Colombia is very strict. Children are not even allowed to go outside to play. Our church had to put everything online, and the first week the children’s ministry had no idea what to do. I was sitting in my house thinking ‘why don’t they just show Deditos?’ when I got a call from the pastor of the church with the exact same idea.

The next Sunday Deditos was shown on the church’s YouTube channel. Sandra’s phone started going crazy with calls and texts from church members. “Sandra, this is amazing! We had no idea Deditos was this good!” Adults were impressed. Children were eating it up. They couldn’t wait for another Sunday so they could watch another episode of Deditos!

You could not have imagined, years ago when God inspired you to produce this incredibly valuable material, that God would use it for a time such as this…
— Pastor Silvio

Sandra says Deditos made such an impression on the church because of the biblical content coupled with the professional quality of the production. The professionals from the church who work in television loved the quality. A theologian said, “Sandra, when Deditos came on I couldn’t take my eyes off it. They are beautiful videos, biblically sound and teach in a very thorough way.”

Sdreenshot of the animated intro to the online class.

Screen shot of the animated intro.

The children’s ministers used the Deditos videos and lessons in creative ways on Youtube. People tuned into the church’s channel from different parts of Colombia as well as the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Spain, Venezuela, Peru and other countries. Between 700 and 1,000 children watched Deditos episodes every week.


Teachers and kids being impacted in Honduras


“It’s in my language!”